18 April 2011


...my seating audition results are in...and I'm terribly disappointed in myself. I went from being 1st to coming in 3rd.

Oh well...it'll just have to do...

But thank you for the prayers!


Näna said...

Hey, 3rd is pretty good. :) I'm sure you did a great job...maybe next time you'll make 1st???

Have a lovely day!

Molly said...

ooh....sorry :( that's disappointing. :( but, hey, at least you aren't fourth! :D

Catie said...

hey, that's not bad! ;) actually... in the District Band... i'm the lowest position (in the flute section). arg... well, i guess that's what happens when you start learning the audition solo WAY later than everyone else, you're sick the week before the audition, you're (most likely) the youngest one there, and you get nervous very easily :P haha. but... at least i made it...:)

Great Job!! Hey, 3rd isn't as bad as 12th...:P


Anonymous said...

Just be glad you don't have to listen to ME play viola!

I'm still proud of you!

"aunty Kelly"