22 April 2011

Happy Birthday, Bug!!

It's Bug's birthday!!! And...it's Good Friday. Wonderful, right?

Anyway...poor little Bug is going to have a lot of his birthday postponed to Easter Sunday. He'll get his gifts today, but a cake and party (if he has one) will have to be saved since it's Good Friday.

But...this is for you, my little Bug-bug:

I love you! You're the cutest person I've ever seen...and I can say that honestly. I love getting to know you, learning your language, and watching you grow up (
which you're doing SO fast). It's hard to beli
eve you're turning 2...

Always remember that your big sis "Bee-bee" loves you...that's something that will never change.

AMAZING--You went from this...

...to this. ;)

You're my favorite brother--LOVE YOU!

(P. S. We're thinking maybe, now that he's 2, he deserves a real name...so watch out. One day one'll probably show up. Oh...and sorry if the pictures are way messed up. I schedule-posted this (we're doing a internet fast today), so I can't check them and fix them...)

And for Good Friday:

Have a blessed rest of your Holy Week!


Näna said...

Happy Birthday, Bug!

Vivi, he is soooo adorable! :)

Molly said...

Happy Birthday Bug!! :D

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bug! All those days of praying for you and your mama before you were born seem like only yesterday but it's been TWO YEARS!!! WOW!!!! You are one handsome little man :D