23 April 2011

Saturday *Afternoon* Daybook

hosted by Miss Jo March@Scraps From My Workbasket
Date...April 23, 2011
Starting time...1:44 PM
Mood...Excited! Happy...
Outside my window...It's...interesting. I don't know how to describe is. It's not bright, but it's not gloomy...it's in the middle. It's like it's waiting...waiting for Jesus to rise. ;)
I'm thinking...About Easter Vigil!
I'm currently reading...Nothing. I'm so excited. I finished He Leadeth Me! Not that it wasn't good...it's just, it's hard to read a book like that for too long. :P
I'm listening to...The oven (it makes a noise when it's on), family sounds, Bug whining, A and J working on coloring contest entries...
I'm wearing...VA Gators shirt, Jeans.
I'm looking forward to...are you kidding?!? TONIGHT! Easter Vigil...candles...the lights to come on...the Gloria...all of it. I CAN'T WAIT!
I'm hoping...that tomorrow will be sunny.
Yesterday, I...fasted, watched The Passion of the Christ with Mom and Gab. Wow...don't think I'll ever look at his suffering the same after that...
I'm hungry for...lemon squares. They're in the oven for tomorrow. I can't taste it till then. :(
The song stuck inside my head is...When Will My Life Begin from Tangled...it's a partially weird and partially cute song. :P But, I mean, if it keeps her happy while she works, then...
I love...Easter Vigil, dresses, lemon squares, EASTER!
I loathe...having to clean. But oh well, it has to be done.
This week, my goal is...to start back to school with a cheerful attitude, to do well and prepare well for the debate on Wednesday, and to feel good about turning in my Tone Paper.
Did I meet last week's goal?...well, I posted my Evans result...my iPod is fine, except that there's water in the screen. It really, really bothers me. We're still working on that...and so far I've remembered never to do that again. :P
Ending time...1:54 PM

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