25 January 2012

"divorced, beheaded, and died...

...divorced, beheaded, survived.
I'm Henry the VIII; I had 6 sorry wives
Some might say I ruined their lives..."

We have the entire song memorized around here. Even down to the "Exciting news! Henry the VIII is looking for a new wife!" at the end. Bug has this great way of hitting his forehead too...and squealing; he's really great at that.

Yes, we're in (actually nearing the end) of the Tudor dynasty. Interesting, yes. Sad, very.

And guess what I'm thinking I'll do my 2ND research paper on? It's supposed to be a historical event...so I'm thinking I'll do it on The Reign of Mary Tudor. Should be fascinating...but I still have to come up with an opinion.

Another great video...(we hear *someone* going around the house singing "tuwas...tuwas..." (skip to 50 seconds in) over and over again.) if you're studying the Tudors. Never enough Horrible Histories, right?


Näna said...

Haha...I have had these memorize forward and backwards since March last year :D Three cheers for Horrible Histories!

Unknown said...

Yea for Horrible Histories! They crack me up.

I like "Bug" 's new name...although he's not quite as octopus-y as the *real* DJ :P