21 January 2012

courageous - a movie review

We watched Courageous last night!
And it was truly amazing, I thought--everything it promised to be.
They had me bawling like crazy at certain parts (even if I knew what was going to happen), but then laughing hysterically also. They really upped the humor in this one, which was awesome. :P
Unfortunately, I really can't give you much of the plot, since it would give away a lot...
But if you've seen the trailer, you'll know it's about a bunch of cops who try to become better dads. And they make this resolution...and they're eventually tested to see if they follow through with it.
There were a couple of places that were kind of violent...(fighting, gangs, drugs) stuff like that...but my 9-year-old sister watched it and was fine. So, though it's rated PG-13, I think it'd probably be fine for younger people...

And there were some really sweet, sad parts too...
And some really great witty humor. :D

And then of course there's the trademark Alex Kendrick move where he bows his head and cries (y'all probably all know that one). ;) But it had to happen somewhere...

As for the quotes, I don't really want to give the best parts away (aka, I don't really remember the ones that wouldn't)...so you'll just have to watch it and find out. :)
This movie had a really great message tied in with it's plot, also. And that's part of what makes it so sad/funny/totally awesome...

So...I give it ******************* out of ***** stars. :P

And if you have a spare evening (or even if you don't), sit down and watch Courageous with your family (and make sure your dad's there, 'cause this one is really for them). Trust me. You won't be disappointed. ;)


Kate said...

Oh my goodness. We watched this last night, too. Nothing could beat Facing the Giants, but this ties it and definitely outshines the other two (in my humble opinion). I was bawling and laughing and totally loved it.

Trini said...

AHH! Watched this a few nights ago and loved it! Javier and the "Snake Kings"...that scene was the BEST!

Näna said...

LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! We got it the day it came out (gotta love Amazon!) and have watched it twice since. So well done and such an amazing movie. I was planning on posting a review this week as well so good timing ;)
