I've been thinking a lot...and I mean A WHOLE lot about my friends lately. Whether it's blog posts, emails, or just events coming up, all of it seems to point to me and say YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE THE FRIENDS YOU HAVE. And I agree, of course. Friendship is so easy to take for granted...sometimes you just don't think about how thankful you should be. So I thought I'd start posting a little about my friends once in a while. Not just people that I meet one day and call them a friend the next...no, I meant the people that I've known forever and love to spend time with (but you'll find that there's more then one person I'd class with my good friends that I've never met. :P)
So here it goes. I'll tell you why I love them and why I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. I'm gonna take 1 person at a time...but I'll ask you before I post picture of you. ;) (unless you're my sister...she doesn't get a warning. :P)
You're welcome to join me in this...I'd love it if you did. All I'm doing is asking myself a couple questions about my friends.
So today's about Gab. Y'all know her--my best friend, oldest sister, and beautiful young
What makes this friend so very special to you?
Everything. ;) She someone I can talk to a lot; she shares a bunch of my frustrations; and she understands me fairly well.
What’s your favorite thing about this person?
Hmm...probably just that we're so close. A ton of families nowadays have sibling rivalry problems and stuff...but ours isn't that way. Gab and I often squished together in stuff--like, at lot of stuff. We're thought of as twins also...which I think is kind of crazy, since we really don't look like each other that much.
If you could go anywhere, what specific place would you take this friend with you to?
Hmm...probably Rome. We'd go and visit ancient landmarks, see the Pope, stuff like that. But then I'd also like to go to Madrid with her for World Youth day...;)
Thank You, Gab, for being my Best Friend. ;)