Showing posts with label My Great God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Great God. Show all posts

23 May 2011

What was that about the world ending?

So now it's May 23, and we're all still alive. Hmm...

Supposedly on Saturday we were supposed to have been taken up into Heaven, earthquakes were supposed to caused lots of destruction, and disaster was supposed to be all over. But it didn't happen. And the sad thing is, people are now blaming this on Christians in general.

Uhh...where does it say that? I thought that it said that "but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." And now people are claiming to have a SET DAY and a SET TIME that the world will end? Do I believe it? Definitely not. And since nothing happened, I feel bad for those people that sold everything and stuff, because they thought that the end of the world was coming.

So now I've heard that there's a new prediction from some people: October 21, 2011. Supposedly that would be because only some people were taken up on Saturday, and the world will actually end in October. Hmm...sorry, guys. Don't believe the Bible says that anywhere. In fact, I was inclined to think that it said that no one knows when it'll end...

So we'll just have to wait here God until HE--not anyone else--decides that it's time for the world to end. And in the meantime, we can do what we were made for. We can glorify Him. ;)

17 May 2011

Radiance Giveaway at By The Way

Come and join Nana at By the Way in her giveaway! It's gonna be tons of fun...

So here's the question for Week 1:

When did you first give your life to Jesus? How did He reach out to you? What was your first response?

Ok...umm...quite complicated question. ;) I think I was...4 maybe (?) when I "invited Jesus into my heart". But since then, I've changed. I'm a new person; I'm Catholic; and I believe different things now. I couldn't say there's an official time and hour that I gave my life to Jesus. But since I became Catholic and really started to understand my faith, I think I've been a lot closer to Him.
How did he reach out to me...hmm...well, I think He, first of all, comforted me. I was at a point in my life where I knew my old church super well, had a lot of friends there, and most definitely didn't want to change churches. It was really hard. But he helped me through it, and now I'm so glad we did it.
I think I just started getting excited. I had kind of 'known' what I was supposed to believe before, but once we converted I started actually realizing the truth my new faith had. I actually believed instead of just knowing what to believe. Because then I understood why what I believed was true. I could have 'proof' for my beliefs.
We've gone back to that year a lot, thanking God that we converted when we did. Because we needed our strong faith for that next summer, and the following year. Because, some of you will remember, just 10 months afterwards, Opa fell, was hospitalized, and died. Then Aunt Monica, Dad, and I all had surgery in the course of 4 was just a mess.

So...yeah. Told ya it was complicated. :P

24 April 2011


It's Easter! Yes, it's 12:33 AM Easter morning, but YES it is EASTER!!!

The Easter story...always amazing:

An Empty Tomb...
...A Risen Lord...
It's something that I'll never forget.


Hoping all of you have a joyful, happy, and blessed Easter!

13 April 2011

Life Defined

Adorable almost-two-year-old who mimics what you say except that it comes out 10x cuter

Preparation is...the 40 days of Lent...

Waiting is...the longing for Easter to finally be here

Wonder is...the feeling of wondering how Our Lord could bear the shame and pain that came with the cross...

Beautiful is...a spring evening. Sunlight (still!), leaves, flowers...

Pride is...knowing that I'm a daughter of The King of Kings...which makes me a PRINCESS. A real one. Imagine that!

Love is...what kept Jesus on the cross...

Rejoicing is...the the lights come on and the Gloria is sung at Easter Vigil...believe me, I am SO excited!