Here are my answers, Jo...
{1} when you think of "old movies", what immediately comes to mind?
Hmm...well, normally something like this...
...and even this (though it's not quite as old)...{2} who's your one of you favorite film or literary heroes (or heroines) and why?
This couple has to be my favorite hero couple ever (sorry, but these guys are like the ultimate heroes. :P)...
(P. S. *Spoiler Alert* If you're planning to watch the movies (and haven't yet), then you probably shouldn't watch this...unless you really want to. :P) But this has to be the best scene of all of the movies...has to...
So here's the hero.
Jack Sparrow: "One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going: This girl... how far are you willing to go to save her?"
Will Turner: "I'd die for her."
Jack Sparrow: "Oh good. No worries then."
He's loyal...he's courageous...and he's honorable. That's why I love him. ;)
And here's my heroine...
This girl is awesome. She clever, she's adventurous, and she can use a sword! Who doesn't like someone like that? (I'd love to learn how to use a sword...:P)
As I said, the best fictional couple. Ever. You can't get better then pirates. :)
{3} if you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why?
POTC and probably Harry Potter. (I haven't watched them yet, but I know the story, so I'm sure I'd love to live in Hogwarts...)
{4} music has changed a lot since 1900 - which "modern" type of music is your favorite?
Hmm...stuff like Owl City, Taylor Swift, plus soundtracks...
{5} any songs you'd like to share with us? (lyrics, video, etc.)
Tangled (+ POTC) has been on my mind lately...
{6} if your life had soundtrack, what would it sound like?
If you want to hear what the first song would be, look at the first song on my playlist (especially starting at 2:20). *sigh*<3 The rest would be a mix of Tangled, POTC, Narnia, and How To Train Your Dragon...
{7} when do you start counting down till your birthday?
Depends on the year. Sometimes in the fall, sometimes not till winter, sometimes my birthday totally creeps up on me...
{8} what makes your birthday special?
What!?! It's my birthday! I get older. Everybody has to treat me nice. :P
{9} do you ever wish you were born in a different month?
Definitely not. I was just talking with somebody the other day about how my birthday is *perfect*, especially in the swimming world...(it's the end of the entire year, even for year-round swimmers...)
{10} pick and post five words to describe your personality - you can add a description under each if you like.
Nerdy - yes, I admit it. I'm slightly nerdy. But as a homeschooler, I guess you can't help but get branded a nerd. I just have to hope that I'm a nice one...:P
Busy - yes, I'm a very busy person. Even my personality is busy. Business keeps me in line. If I'm not busy, I usually don't do as well. I do better with a little bit of stress then none at all...
Sunny - ha! I thesarus-ed the word happy so I wouldn't completely copy you, Jo. But you always hear about people with 'sunny personalities' in books and stuff, so it works...
Romantic - ok, Jo, so here's where the copying really comes in. :P I'm sorry, but this is just one of the words I would use to describe myself. Yes...I'm a hopeless romantic. ;)
Leader - Yes, I copied you again, Jo. But it's true. And I was amazed at myself when I realized I was a born leader...