Goodbye, 2011...
Goodbye, Bug-turning-2...
Goodbye, getting-bad-colds-every-couple-weeks...
Goodbye, getting-3rd (for the first time ever)-in-JSL-Champs...
Goodbye, first-day-of-high-school...
Goodbye, parasailing-for-the-first-time...
Goodbye, first-PSAT...
Goodbye, first-youth-orchestra-audition...
Goodbye, Gmail Motion (haha, that was good)...
Goodbye, Osama bin Laden...
Goodbye, bad-weather (Irene, the earthquake, etc.)...
Goodbye, 10th-anniversary-of-September-11th...
Goodbye, homeschooling-sports-access-bill (did I ever tell you that this was totally over-ruled?)...
Goodbye, meeting-cousin-Vivian (gotta love the name, huh?)...
Goodbye, Advent-of-2011...
Goodbye, December 31st, 2011...
Goodbye, 2011.